The Cammarch Hotel
Hotel was built when the railway arrived circa 1867.
20232023 The Cammarch finally ceased to be a hotel but became a wellbeing centre.
1960More recently the Hotel was owned and managed by the Bartons followed by Mr and Mrs Tilley, then Jeff Jones. It then became a private house before re opening as a hotel
1911Sydney Price Head, age 55, single Female (Hotel Keeper) 9 servants (house painter, cook, housemaid, housemaid/waitress, page and errand boy, farm labourer, groom, , general labourer, general servant) plus 5 visitors (guests).
1901Sydney Price, Hotel Keeper age 45 , mother, Elizabeth Hughes age 74, ( note change of surname, not clear whether it is a mistake, or whether she remarried in the interim ~) brother Morgan – farmer, 1 widowed servant / gardener, William Bishop from Portsmouth, 1 widowed cook/domestic from Carmarthenshire, 1 housemaid / domestic from Pembrokeshire Emily James, Joseph Langford and son Timber Hauliers from Shobdon
1891Elizabeth Lewis age 64, innkeepers wife from Cardiganshire, 1 daughter, Sydney Price, age 35, and 2 sons, Morgan, a bankers clerk, age 29, and Rhys, an innkeepers assistant, age 26

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