Malvern House
Owned by Mr Davies
who ran the shop as a grocers, there was also a redbrick built bakery on side of house( now knocked down) it was
also a feed and seed merchant. There
were stables at the back, so that
farmers who came into the village to catch the train to Builth, or went away on a visit could stable the pony from their pony and
trap and collect it later. The stores were later taken over by the Vest family
who moved from Builth.
This view clearly shows the rear of Malvern House with stables and outhouses - people would leave their horses here when they went off on the train or to market
1911John Davies, age 71, grocer and farmer, his wife Ruth age 71,son, David age 33, who was Manager of a grocery business, 2 servants (a baker John Evans age 24, and a general servant Minnie Pugh age 24) and William Priddy age 16, a Grocers Assistant
1901John Davies, age 61, farmer and grocer, wife, Ruth age 61, a boarder, Richard Davies age 48, listed as a Castrator from Merionedd and a general domestic, Ellen Price age 21
1891John Davies grocer, age 51, wife, Ruth age 51, and 2 sons, William age 18, a grocers assistant, and David age 14, a scholar. There is also a servant/ domestic Gwen Herbert age 22
1881John Davies head, farmer aged 41, his wife Ruth, age41, Elizabeth Evans age 18,his stepdaughter, John Evans age 16, his stepson, William age 8 and David age 4, his two sons, Penry Stanton age 24, a lodger who was a Carpenter with Elizabeth his wife age 22 and Elizabeth his daughter, 5 months. (Stantons also lived in 1 Club Cottages in 1891 census, they later built Banbury)

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