1911Listed as 2 dwellings
1.Elizabeth Thomas age 75, single and pensioner
2.Margaret Price age 84, single and pensioner -
1901Listed as 2 dwellings
1. Morgan Morgans age 24 a stone mason / labourer, his wife Lizzie age 26 and son Morgan age 6
2. Margaret Price age 74 in receipt of Union R -
1891Listed as 2 dwellings
1. Enoch Evans age 63 a Corn Miller, his wife Henrietta age 62
2. Margaret Price, single age 64, a grocer and general dealer -
1881Listed as 2 dwellings
1.Rees Price age 27, a General Labourer, his wife Maria age 34, and daughter Adelina age 1
2. Margaret Price single, age 50, a Grocer -
1871Listed as 2 dwellings
1. Sarah Jones age 42 a dressmaker and milliner and her lodger Mary Williams age 55 a domestic
2. Margaret Price age 44 a shopkeeper -
1861Listed as 2 dwellings
1. Rees Price age 30, a labourer, his wife Sarah age 29, son Ebenezer age 2, and father-in-law, Ebenezer Morgan age 67
2. David Williams age 21 a shoemaker, and David Davies age 29, a servant and shoemaker -
1851Elizabeth Williams a widow age 78, a landed proprieter , her daughters Margaret age 38 and Anne age 34, both employed at home, also Elinor Waters age18, a house servant.
1841Margaret Phillips age 65, independent.

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