This property is listed on the census between 1851 and 1891. It then disappears. No photos are available at present and it is unclear the exact location of the property. Based on its place within the census, it is located between Tychwarel and Gwarfelin. At a guess, it is opposite Gwarfelin on the corner of the lane to Aberannell.
1881John Williams age 70, a General Labourer, his wife Mary age 70
1871John Williams age 60, an Agricultural Labourer, and his wife Mary age 60
1861James Bevan age 45 , a labourer, his wife Margaret age 38, daughters Margaret age 13, Anne age 9, sons James age 6 and Nathaniel age 4 and daughter Jemima age 3 mths
1851William Jones age 75 an Agricultural labourer, his wife Esther age 76, and granddaughter Esther age 16, a housemaid
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