1911Morgan Morgans age 41, a general labourer, his wife Lizzie age 35 and son Morgan John age 16.
1901John Phillips age 32, a railway platelayer, his wife Polly age 26, and daughters Maggie age 5, Esther age 3 and Elizabeth age 1.
1881James Morris age 51 a Wheelwright, and his wife Joan age 55
1871James Morris age 41, a wheelwright, and his wife Joan age 44
1861Evan Morris age 74 , a wheelwright, his wife Ruth age 74 and son James age 31
1851Evan Morris age64, a wheelwright, his wife Ruth age 65, and son James age 21.
1841Evan Morris age 56, a wheelwright, his wife Ruth age 55, and son James age 10

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